Saturday, 16 August 2014

Garden shots

6 weeks later



Last week Renee and Hannah got their embroideries back from New Plymouth.  They had entered the primary section of the National Embroidery conference, which was held in New Plymouth.  Unfortunately it was a few weeks after we left town so we didn't get to see the exhibition, but the embroidery teachers, Glenys and Delwn, sent down a couple of exhibition programmes with photos of the entries.
Hannah got first in her section which she was very happy about, and also got a nice big cheque for her prize, which she was also happy about!  Renee didn't place, but she did get first last year in the Taranaki exhibition, with her embroidered box.

We are very grateful to Glenys and Delwyn for teaching the girls, and also for doing the lovely backgrounds which really set off the girls' work.
We have been along to the Dunedin Guild and plan to join, the girls loved it and I don't mind an excuse to sit and stitch for a morning every now and then.


Petra cut her hair yesterday...

Wednesday, 13 August 2014


One of the main things the kids were looking forward to in Dunedin was snow.  Last week they got their wish - only an inch, but still enough to transform the garden.  There were snowballs and 3 snow/hail-men and cold fingers, until we tried using gardening gloves which keep the fingers a bit drier and not so frozen.

It wasn't cold enough for the snow to stay, and it was all gone by the next morning, but it's just started snowing again today so there may be more!