Sunday, 13 December 2015

Yesterday's weather

Yesterday it hailed...

We've had hail a few times in the last month, nothing as bad as Christchurch had yesterday though; they got a few inches, and some of it was pretty big. 
The strip down the side of the drive is my new pumpkin bed.  We scraped the turf off and piled it down the middle, then covered it with horse manure, cardboard, straw, kelp then carpet.  I ran the soaker hose along under the carpet too as the rain wasn't getting through very well.  Hopefully the pumpkins/courgettes will be ok in there, we'll see.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Drama wind-up

This weekend we had our end-of-year Drama production, a short play based on Tolstoy's "The Three Questions".  It went really well - I was the prompt but my services were not required at all as everyone did a great job of their lines.  Daniel was a wise advisor, Renee was the Accountant and Hannah was the Herald.  Andrew was one of the Royal cleaners but I forgot to take a photo.  Afterwards there was a potluck tea.

We also had the last Music morning for the year, so next Saturday we can all sleep in for a change.