Saturday, 5 November 2016

Gardening by Bryony

Bryony has been taking lots of photos of the garden and her plants.

An azalea with a random white-flowered branch

  She's potted up a whole lot of seedlings from around the garden to sell at a market somewhere in a month or so, when they're better established, and is growing tomatoes  and basil on the windowsill.

She was given a lot of "Little Garden" pots (a New World promo) which have all germinated (also on the windowsill...

Busy week

 This week has been ridiculously busy.
On Monday we went to the Botanic Gardens for lunch and ended up not getting home until 5pm. After a picnic lunch from New World across the road, we walked right up to the Rhododendron Dell and back down, exploring some places we hadn't seen before such as the Perennial border and the bit where the meconopsis poppies (including a purple one!) were.
Hungry Black-backed Gull

Eva was practising funny faces

I love this azalea

and this one

Not sure what this is

Purple Meconopsis

I should get this put on a T-shirt

A good place to pretend to be a hobbit

Traditional end-of-year(ish) photo

Family of paradise ducks with more kids than us

Tuesday was spent at the Library and on Wednesday we were out to Mosgiel for Drama classes.  On Thursday I had to go out to pick up a trademe deal, and make a trip to Spotlight for a sheet of craft foam to fix a clarinet we got for $50.
Friday morning was spent using double-sided tape and the foam to fix the clarinet.  Six or seven of the pads had fallen off because the glue was old and brittle.  It still needs a short piece of springy wire to make one of the keys go, but I'm working on that.  When that was done we headed off to Brighton for a Homeschoolers get-together, then to Taieri Mouth for lunch, then soccer in the afternoon.
Saturday morning was music classes.  This week the re-enrollment forms were handed out, so the kids have to decide what they want to do next year.

On Saturday evening we picked up Grandma and headed out to Allanton to "A Backcountry Dinner", a fundraiser for Otago Sports Chaplaincy.

It was basically a big barbecue/picnic in a paddock by the Taieri River (BYO seating).  Someone must have been out hunting because there was wild goose, wild duck, wild turkey, wild pig, rabbit, feral beef, wild deer, possum pies, and trout.  And a hangi and a few salads :)  It was very yummy.  There was also a bonfire and marshmallows on sticks for the kids - a lot of people got red faces trying to get close enough to the embers.  When we got home the kids were allowed to stay up late to watch the fireworks - living where we are we get a good view of the city.  And today we're off to Taieri Mouth for the afternoon and tea, which will be nice.
Tomorrow I'm not going anywhere :)

Thursday, 27 October 2016


Recently we went out the Akatore Creek with the cousins and found crabs by the dozen.  They have burrows in the mud out there.  There were lots under stones as well, this one was one of the biggest.

David had his chainsaw out this month and cut down a Lacebark (which has made room for an almond tree) and a Pittosporum which was competing with one of the apple trees.  He also took out Sauron's Plum Tree, as we have been calling it - look at those thorns.  It didn't produce anything much and was literally a real pain to prune whenever it grew out in front of the dining room window.  Just like Sauron, it'll probably grow back when we're not looking - but now it'll be easier to deal with, being much shorter (almost ground level).

It's also been funny hair-do season this week.  Andrew decided he wanted to have his hair slicked back for a new look, so has been wetting it down then wearing a hat to hold it down while it dries.  Doesn't stay down for long though.

And of course Eva joined in the fun and let Renee do her hair too

Springtime in the garden