Sunday, 5 February 2017

Local exploring

To take everyone's mind off Sable we went for a walk to find the Caversham tunnel.  We had a map of local walks, but I must have put it somewhere safe because we couldn't find it today.
Anyway we managed to find the tunnel after going to where we thought it was, then consulting the internet which told us we were only a few metres from it but on the wrong side of the fence. Eventually, after retracing our steps a bit, we found it.
The temperature today got up to 30C or so but as we came up to the track leading down to the tunnel we could feel the cold air coming from it. Each end is open except for a locked gate so the wind blows through, cooling as it goes, very refreshing on such a hot humid day.

A resident
We could see the light from the other end but the camera couldn't

Saturday, 4 February 2017


 Today we said goodbye to Sable, our male rabbit, father of more than 100 children. 
When Renee went to feed him today she found he had his neck twisted around so it was on the side, and couldn't walk in a straight line, or even walk easily.  So we took him to the vet who confirmed he had something called wryneck, probably as a result of a parasitic infection, and didn't give a positive outlook for Sable's future...  So there are a few sad people in our house today.

Sable is succeeded by his many many children, the last 5 of which were born last night

The Southern Cemetery

Last week, after months of polite reminders and requests, I took the kids to the Southern Cemetery for a bit of an explore.  Cemeteries are fascinating places, you never know what you'll find.
Here are some of the things we found interesting - the notable, the curious and the tragic...