Sunday, 30 July 2017

Chilli sauce

Chilli sauce.
A few days ago I invented some chilli sauce, it was an amalgamation of various recipes I found on the internet, it is quite strong so you could reduce the number of chillies. I'm not sure about the quantities so they are very approximate.

10-20 chilies, I used a variety called wildfire (from the garden center)
1/2 - 3/4 Cup white vinegar,
a whole lime, skin and all
1-2 t cumin
1-2 t coriander seed
a little bit of tomato
1-2 T ginger
9 cloves garlic
1-2 onion

cook until very soft then whiz in the food processor

Written by Bryony

random things

 I made haggis, apart from cleaning the stomach it was quite easy, you just chop everything up and mix it together and cook it.

 then it snowed

Renee's Snow Tower

Written by Bryony


a few weeks ago it was Renee's birthday

 she got a bag and a cat puppet
then the next week it was Dad's birthday

and then it was going to be Renee's party but there was a flood so half the guests couldn't come,  so the party was postponed until last saturday.
Mum and I set up in the church hall
 We thought there was too much food, but it was almost all eaten.

 Renee requested Jane Austen dancing
Written by Bryony