Sunday, 20 March 2016

Other news

Hair cuts
Budgie eggs - the kids cooked them (they wouldn't have hatched anyway) and found that the egg-white is still translucent after cooking
Baby rabbits, off to Animates petshop
I finally finished this dress.  My least favourite things to sew: Velour.  Zips.  Chiffon.  So this has been sitting in the sewing pile for months.  But the other day I had a look at it (after trying 3 times to tack in the zip), and at Renee, and decided she could probably wiggle into it without a zip.  Luckily I was right (it helps that velour is stretchy), so now it is done.  My "Couture Sewing Techniques" book was a great help with the rolled hems on the chiffon, too.

Bryony was on supper duty for Homegroup

The boys have been feeding the pigeons at the Botanic Gardens

and we went to Central Otago and got fruit

This plum sauce is from a Nigella recipe, Chinese Plum Sauce - the yummiest ever.

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