Saturday, 6 January 2018

Bathroom renovation

About 6 months ago David got fed up with looking at the lino on the walls of our bathroom and decided to do something about it.

Once the lino was gone, we discovered ugly plaster tiles underneath so they had to go too. Also there was a rotten hole in the floor which had to be mended.
 Next there was a bulge in the wall to straighten out, insulation to be installed and signed off on by the council, gib board to go up...

We put up plastic so we could keep using the shower.
This last week or so has been concentrated on the bathroom, with Dad (thanks for the help!) and David working all day on it. Hardboard down on the floor, Seratone on the walls, sealant and glue all over the place, then on Saturday the lino went down. 

Now it looks great, we just have small things to finish off (shower in, door on, mouldings and mirror up etc)
Nearly done!

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